Collective Worship

As a Church school all our acts of collective worhsip are Christian. Because of the importance we attach to worship, we hold our whole school assemblies at the start of each day.  Most collective worship involves the whole school, although twice a week we split into key stages, so that the issues can be explored in more depth at a level appropriate to the age of the children.

Parents may withdraw their children from Collective Worship in school.  Such requests should be put in writing.

We work closely with Great Paxton Holy Trinity Church.  Our local vicar leads worship on a regular basis, and children often participate in church services. Eucharist services are also held in the school termly.


All children will develop:

  • understanding of the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, communities, societies and cultures
  • the ability to make reasoned and informed responses to religious and moral issues
  • awareness of the fundamental questions of life raised by human experiences and of how religions relate to them
  • positive attitudes in relation to:

- self awareness

- respect for all

- open-mindedness

- appreciation and wonder

  •  We as a staff give reassurance to our children that we are there for them as Jesus was for his flock. We will care and look after them, we will teach them and do not leave anyone behind.