Our Governors

Appointed: Sept 2011

Reappointed: 01/9/23

Appt Up To: 31/8/27

Type: Foundation

Committee: Faith Matters (Chair)


Other Responsibilities:

Foundation Subjects, Pupil Discipline, Staff Dismissal, Hearings, Foundation Subjects, Computing, 


Guy Fairbairn

Chair of Governors

I have been a Governor since 2011 and Chair since 2012. Although my son has now moved on to secondary school,  I am committed to continuing my involvement with the school, and ensuring that we give our children the best possible start in education. I am not from an education background, and as part of our  governing body add to the broad  range of skills and experience we have. If anyone is interested in finding out more about being a Governor, feel free to contact me via the school office; I have found it to be a rewarding and enlightening experience!


Appointed:  16/4/12

Appt Up To: 

Type: Headteacher

Committee: Standards and Resources


Other Responsibilities:

Safeguarding and Child Protection, Parish Council/Community Room Link, Health and Safety

Lee Frost


I joined the school in April 2012. When I walked through the gates, the ethos and atmosphere felt so special and remains so to this very day. Working in a small school certainly presents many challenges, but being at the heart of the community and part of a unique family out weighs everything else!

Appointed: 1/10/06

Appt Up To: Ex Officio

Type: Foundation

Committee: Faith Matters

Other Responsibilities:

Literacy, MFL, Appeals, HT Performance Management

Rev Canon Annette Reed

Vice Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor

I have been a Foundation Governor since becoming Vicar in 2006 and it is a great pleasure to serve on the governing body and be involved in the life of the school.

As the children will know, I play my guitar and love singing. In my spare time I enjoy walking my greyhound dog, gardening and exploring antique warehouses.

Appointed: Dec 2004

Reappointed: 7/9/21

Appt Up To: 7/9/25

Type: Staff


Faith Matters and Standards 


Other Responsibilities:

Elected staff Governor, PTA Link

Anne Miller

Deputy Headteacher and Teacher Governor. 

Appointed: Sept 1999

Reappointed: 1/9/19

Appt Up To: 31/8/24

Reappointed: 1/9/23

Type: Co-Opted


Faith Matters and Resources


Other Responsibilities:


Julie Edwards

School Administrator and Staff Governor

I have been a staff governor since 1999 and enjoy working with other governors to make our school the special place that it is. My hobbies include pilates, astronomy and cooking.

Appointed: 16/3/20

Appt Up To: 15/3/24 


Type: Co-Opted

Committee: Resources 


Other Responsibilities:

Numeracy, Science, Salary, Staff Dismissals and Hearing, Pupil Discipline, school website, Head teacher performance management

Alistair Smith

I have been a Governor at the school since March 2020 and enjoy the opportunity to help the school achieve its aims and support the local community. My background is in business, in particular research and development, and so hopefully I add some different skills and experience to the governing body. I have 2 children of pre-school age which occupy most of my spare time but also like gardening and playing euphonium in local musical ensembles.

Appointed: 12/10/20

Appt Up To: 11/10/24

Type: Parent

Committee: Standards


Other Responsibilities:

Equality, Initial teacher training, Appeals

Michael Ogbechie

I was appointed parent governor in October 2020. I have been resident in the village for over 7 years and currently have a daughter at the school and another one due to start in 2022. My professional expertise is in the learning and assessment sector and I currently work for Cambridge Assessment (a department of Cambridge University). I look forward to applying my existing capabilities to areas within the scope of the system of governance at the school.

My hobbies include relaxing with a good book (or a journal!) and occasionally pounding the dirt tracks around the village!

Appointed: 7/10/21

Appt Up To: 6/10/25

Type: Co-opted

Committee: Standards


Other Responsibilities:

SEND, LAC, PLAC, Attendance, Appeals

Mrs Jo Lenton

Appointed: 3/11/21

Appt Up To: 2/11/25

Type: Parent

Committee: Standards (Chair)


Other Responsibilities:

Health and Safety/Medical, Appeals, PSHEC, RSE, Health and Safety

Mrs Nicola Cooper

I joined as a governor in November 2021, having worked with young people at risk for several years. I now lead a CPR training programme for Magpas Air Ambulance but wanted to continue helping young people to receive the best possible experience during their early years. 


I have two daughters, one now at secondary school and one still at Great Paxton. My governor role has given me a real insight into the dedication of the staff at our lovely village school and I find it really rewarding to be able to support it in some small way.  

My interests include history (particularly the Victorian era), reading, listening to the widest genre of music imaginable, cocktail making, and I will never turn down an opportunity to go shopping! 

Appointed: 13/11/21

Appt Up To: 12/11/25

Type: Parent

Committee: Resources (Chair)


Other Responsibilities:

Child Protection and Safeguarding, Safer Recruitment, Sports Premium, Governor Visits and Training, Staff Dismissal and Hearings

Mrs Laura Lawrence

I have been a Governor at the school since November 2021 and a resident in the village since 2011.  My professional background is over 20 years in Accounting and Finance working as a Chief Financial Officer at companies of varying sizes since 2018.  It is a pleasure to be part of the team of Governors and help bring my experience and expertise to complement the governing body.  I have a daughter at the school and enjoy baking and long walks. 


Appointed: 1/09/23

Appt Up To: 31/08/24

Type: Associate

Committee: Standards and Faith Matters

Mrs Antonia James – I started teaching at Great Paxton School in September 2018 and became a Governor in September 2021. I feel very lucky to be part of this wonderful school. 

At home, I have two very different but equally as amazing daughters. Some of our favourite ways to spend our weekends include going for walks, eating cake at the coffee shop, baking, painting and visiting our caravan on the coast! 


  •  We as a staff give reassurance to our children that we are there for them as Jesus was for his flock. We will care and look after them, we will teach them and do not leave anyone behind.